The most admiring part of the Japan and Japanese people is reflected well in the culture. No country or countrymen in the world is up to that level right now. Day 5, after the major Earthquake hit Japan, I left Tokyo to come to US. The airline graciously and with a smile on face of their employees changed the ticket for me. On top of that they were saying that they are personally sorry to see that people have to change plans because of the Earthquake. How many people in this world, will say sorry for a natural disaster that impacts their guests and customers?
On Monday, the food supplies in stores was running low in many areas of Tokyo, lot of restaurants were closed. People did not hoard the food. They bought just the right amount for one meal. So everyone can get some food for lunch.
The petrol or gas was not available in abundance, people waited for long hours to get their quota of gas. What a patience these people have? Way more than my fellow country man in US. The patience level is very low here. I was reminded of the difference with in 5 hours of arrival in Virgina from Tokyo. I was driving to Oakton High School for a concert in the evening. As I waited for a left turn, the person behind me in a big truck started honking. He had no patience for the cars coming from the opposite direction to pass. It took only less than a minute for those cars to pass us.
Officially, the electricity rolling blackout was declared in Tokyo and other areas of the country. On Monday, office workers decided to turn off all lights in the office and work under the natural light that was coming through the window. In the airport hotel, where I stayed they turned off air-conditioning and other power using items like TV etc. No one complained or requested for refund.
The honor, the dignity of human life, the true sharing of resources is the motto of the Japanese people. This is probably the effect of teachings of Shinto and or Buddhism the two major faith popular in Japan.
I am sure some developed and developing country people can learn some patience, some discipline and follow the foot steps of the Japanese people. Human dignity is very important for Japanese people.
A more detailed account of the customer service of Airline staff, that is exemplary in it own sense will be presented here later.
I am completely humbled by the Japanese people.