The Feld Framework For IT Leadership – The Five Time Boxed Phases (Part 2)
February 20, 2010

In my earlier post, I provided an introduction to The Feld Framework. In this post I talk about the five time boxed phases.

The Five Time-Boxed Phases

Strategy- Phase 1
Failure state & Scenario Planning
  •  Perform the Gap Study between the current business model and the future state: It defines the work, timeframes, investments, and risks of the transformation.
  • Articulate a compelling reason to change (WHY) and propose WHAT to change.
  • Multiple pathways to reach to the future state: Scenario planning to get Best Fit Scenario, that shapes the HOW and WHO portions of the agenda.
  • Time duration for this phase between 90 – 120 days.(No traction if <90 days; It becomes a science fair project if it takes more than 120 days). Detailed plan takes to next phase: The Turn.
  • Executive committee-led effort with heavy engagement by the IT leader/CIO
The Turn - Phase 2
Plan Detail & Repositioning the Organization
  • Sequencing and pacing the journey from the current to the future state.
  • Develop business and technology blueprints, providing a construction process and a clear roadmap.
  • First release should be broad, but articulated to show visible, small impactful success. This helps in adjusting the organization for change in leadership, structure, governance, and investment (WHO) and the common-way quality engineering (HOW).
  • Time duration 90 days.
Up & Running - Phase 3
Delivering the New Way
  • More emphasis on the HOW and WHO in this phase. IT leadership plays a key role.
  • Focus on quality construction, modern design and development, and IT capability building, executing and delivering the new way.
  • Time duration six to nine months, depending on the size and complexity of Release 1.
Hitting Stride - Phase 4
  • Gain speed, correct course, and build organization strength and confidence.
  • Enhance quality and productivity. Business team engaged in enhancing Release 1 for business processes, metrics, incentives, culture, locations, etc.
  • A two year activity.
Self-Sufficiency - Phase 5
  • Journey enters year three.
  • Achieve consistent and quality delivery every six to nine months at a reasonable cost.
  • Business function plays the role of implementing the IT-enabled changes and extract value of the investment.
  The next post will talk about the four planks in strategy phase.
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